12 Questions to Ask

For anyone interested in joining, most concierge medical practices offer a complimentary time to meet the doctor and tour the office. Take this 1:1 opportunity to ask the doctor all your specific questions so you feel comfortable and confident in joining the membership. Look for personality fit, physician qualifications, experience and office policies. Bring a general knowledge of your medical history and current medications or specialists, but no need for actual records unless you feel otherwise. Spend an hour getting to know one another to ensure this is the right doctor-patient relationship for years to come. Here are a few questions you may want to ask:


1.    What are your credentials? Ask about the doctor’s total years in practice, medical school, M.D. vs D.O., training, hospital privileges, published articles or expertise, and board-certification.

2.    How many patients are currently in the practice? What is your limit? Under 300? 500?

3.    Do you offer any unique services? Wellness planning, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) pellets, genetic and genomic tests, health coaching, etc.?

4.    Do you have a website? Look for transparent pricing, reviews, doc bio, services clearly listed.

5.    What will be my TOTAL cost? What does the membership include? Exclude? Do you offer a discount for couples and families? Do you take my Insurance? Medicare?

6.    How long do patients wait for appt? Same and next-day? Average wait time?

7.    Tell me about after-hours policies? What happens if I need you at 6pm? 2am?

8.    Will I ever see Physician’s Asst (PA) or Nurse Practitioner (NP) or another doc?

9.    How do you simplify prescriptions? Rx coordination, free delivery, preferred programs?

10. What level of communication can I expect? Text doctor directly? Response times?

11. How do you handle specialist referrals?  Personally expedite, avoid duplicate orders, etc.?

12. How flexible are you? If I move, or out-of-town visitors get sick, or kids get hurt? House calls?


Let these questions, and your own gut, be your guide in exploring concierge medicine

-- a new approach to old-fashioned medicine.


Contact our office anytime to schedule a complimentary hour with Dr. Lowery.

(469) 200-4802      LOWERYMD.com        doc@lowerymd.com